The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Celebration Photo Challenge - and Episode 35 of Understanding Photography with Kim Ayres

A few weeks ago I set a " Rain Photo Challenge" for the viewers of Understanding Photography with Kim Ayres. Despite my fears the response would just be tumble-weeds rolling past, it turned out to be one of the most engaged podcasts I've done so far.

On the back of that I announced I would make it a monthly event, which of course now means I have to think up Challenge ideas forevermore.

Mind you, in about 10 years time I'm sure I could repeat some of them and no one would notice...

However, Challenge Number 2 I decided would be Celebration.

Now we're in December, the knowledge that Christmas is later this month is suffusing pretty much every decision we're making.

Of course, one thing I have to be aware of when hosting a podcast with viewers from other parts of the world is not everyone does Christmas, so "Celebration" makes for a wider, more inclusive option.

The winter solstice, and Hanukkah (have fun watching me trying to figure out how to pronounce it on the podcast) are around the same time, as is New Year. But it can also include birthdays, winning something, or achievements of any kind.

The reactions in the comments was varied with Becca stating she was bursting with ideas, while Greg felt it would be a tough challenge for a landscape photographer. And Viji could be forgiven for feeling a bit blank until she could have her coffee the following morning, given it was about 2am in India while she was watching...

If you would like to take part you can submit your image either to the Understanding Photography with Kim Ayres Facebook Group:

or to the Event Page I've set up:

Ideas could include:

Groups or crowds
Close-up macro shots
or wide open shots taking in the larger scene

But if you find you're struggling, then submit a photo you're having difficulty with and explain the problem and I can include suggestions and ideas in the podcast too.

If you think you'd like to give it a go, then do submit your image to the FB group or event page, or if you're not on FB, then email me your image and you can watch my response the following day on the YouTube recording, which will also be posted here on this blog.

Meanwhile, here is last night's episode – and if you just want to hear about the Celebration Challenge, then skip to 29 minutes and 28 seconds in.


0.00 - What's coming up
8:05 - Steel hares and swarms of midges - photographing sculptures for Geoff Forrest
29:28 - Ideas and pointers for next week's "Celebration" photo challenge
42:58 - Critique of images submitted to the Facebook Group, "Understanding Photography with Kim Ayres" 1:40:13 - Portraits - looking into the camera, or not?
1:49:40 - Coming up next week
1:50:25 - End

If you found this interesting/useful/entertaining, then please consider supporting these podcasts and blog posts via

Also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel - – to help me build the numbers.

And, or course, if you would like to submit a photo for feedback, or just ask a photography related question, then do join my Understanding Photography with Kim Ayres  Facebook group and I will put it into the following podcast:


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

An easy way to come up with a theme is using a thesaurus. Or asking everyone to suggest themes.

Kim Ayres said...

Neena - you're right - just asking for ideas would lead to hundreds being suggested, I'm sure.
So tell me Neena, when are you going to submit a photo to the podcasts? ;)

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