Spring Fling 2015 - many thanks to many wonderful people
Throughout the event I was doing photography demonstrations - showing how changing the light can dramatically alter the mood of an image. Thanks go to Maria, who was my model for the weekend. Warm, friendly and good company, she put up with my requests, frustrations and inane bletherings with extraordinary patience.

Demonstrating light with Maria
Huge thanks also have to go out to fellow photographers, Andy Jardine and Pete Robinson who came to my rescue, lending me equipment, after I discovered a problem with my camera that wasn't going to be fixable in time for Spring Fling.
Thanks also go to Allan Wright who lent me another camera to have a go at doing some time-lapse photography - something I'd not tried before. Most Canon cameras don't have this function, although you can buy extra equipment to bolt on. However, many Nikon's have it built in. I use Canon, but Allan didn't hesitate to hand me one of his Nikon's - and the instruction manual.
It took a little bit of fiddling about, but eventually I got the hang of it, so did a few short sequences over the weekend, which I've now edited together into a short video.
There are some professional photographers out there who consider all other photographers to be competition, and might even smirk if another was in trouble.
I count myself as extraordinarily fortunate that I know some really great people who were prepared to go the extra mile to ensure I'd be OK.
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