Seasons of Galloway
Although portraiture, performances and events are how I make my living, it's not unknown for me to point my camera at a leaf hanging off a twig, or sunlight hitting a mossy branch.
Over the past couple of years I've built a collection of images I really like, but have had no idea what to do with them. Whenever I have posted such images here I've always received comments or messages from people asking if they are available as prints, but the practicalities of printing, packaging and posting has been something of an obstacle.
However, last month I created a site on Zenfolio to allow owners who stable their horses at James Ewart Racing to purchase prints of the photos I take there. The advantage of setting this up via Zenfolio is there are fulfilment options - meaning people can order various size prints and they are printed, packaged and posted out directly from their suppliers and to a high standard.
With the site already there it seemed an ideal opportunity to put up my collection of non-people photographs too.
Below are a couple of examples from the collection, but to view the full set, head over to
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