3 nights away
In the past 18 years or so - basically since before Rogan was born - we've only managed that once before, about 2½ years ago.
This time we stayed in a lovely B&B on the shores of Loch Awe, in Argyll. With the bracken turning brown and the trees all the shades of autumn, this beautiful corner of Scotland was even more stunning.
OK, so it was chucking it down with rain most of the time, or heavily overcast when it wasn't, but that didn't really matter - it was just the 2 of us.
And no phone signal either.
Yes, I took the camera, but there will be no landscape photos appearing on this blog. Apart from the rain, I've discovered one of the drawbacks about being a professional photographer is I can't take snaps anymore. Each time I take a photo, I'm aware of its shortcomings. And as I'm primarily a people, not a landscape photographer, my landscapes are never going to be up to the standard I desire.
However, the sun did come out briefly when we visited Tarbert, so I went for a wander along the harbour and was quite pleased how these turned out.
As always, feel free to click on the images for larger versions.

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