Santa... *cough*
NOTE: This post is unsuitable for children under the age of 13.
If you are under 13 and have inadvertantly strayed on to this page, please do not read any further, but click on this sentence instead.
OK, if you're still reading, then you only have yourself to blame.
Given the fact Meg will be 13 next birthday, and is now in high school, Maggie took the opportunity recently to reveal one or two key facts about Father Christmas.
She spoke about Santa being part of a magical story for children, which helped to make Christmas feel special, but as we get older we need to know that it is just a children's story, and isn't real, but it's ok and she would still get a Christmas stocking because that's really a part of the family tradition.
Meg seemed a bit surprised, but there weren't any tears.
"So if Santa isn't real, who do you think has been filling your Christmas stockings each year?" Maggie asked.
Meg replied, "The elves?"
Sometimes being a parent can be heart wrenching.
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