The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all dads who love receiving cards from their kids.

And I have found one advantage to a house full of extra children (see previous post). It does mean I have some unselfconscious models available to practice on. This is Cormac, my youngest grandson.



Keepin' afloat - barely said...

Happy Fathers Day. Your grandson is adorable. And the card from Meg a treasure. You are a very blessed man.

V said...

Lovely. Simple. Good pics. Good post. Hope you've enjoyed your day.

mapstew said...

I think Meg captured you quite well there lad! Adorable grandchild too! Hope you're having a good fadder's day! :¬)

savannah said...


Alice said...

Happy Father's Day! And your grandson is just beautiful!

Last year I asked Morgan to tell me all the reasons she was glad to have her daddy so I could write them in the card. Her biggest one was that he picked up the dog's poop in the back yard. They crack me up.

Pat said...

Love Meg's card.
As for Marlene sang,
Falling in love again,
Never wanted to,
What am I to do?
I can't help it.

hope said...

Looks like another artist in the family. :)

Happy Father's Day..a bit late.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful drawing, beautiful photograph. Happy Fathers Day Kim.

Unknown said...

I love the card. Happy Father's Day. And your grandson is quite cute. I was hoping to say something different from everyone else, but I couldn't come up with it.

snoble24 said...

i hope you had a great fathers day

Ron said...

What about us uncles?

Jasmine said...

That card is great. It looks exactly like you. That is a gorgeous picture of your grandson. He'll love to have that when he gets older. Happy Father's Day Kim!

Helen Mac said...

Love the card and the pic.x

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Love Daddy's ears and beard, Megan.


debra said...


BB said...

Some great Artist potential right there.
Very impressive for such a young child, he has great visual memory it would be cool to encourage him to draw more.
Now,that´s what i call a winning lottery ticket ;)
Happy Fathers Day Kim.

CiCi said...

Great picture of your grandson. Hope your Fathers Day was enjoyable.

Eryl said...

Meg has totally captured you. And Cormac is gorgeous.

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

Spare a thought for all those kids who look at the words on Father's Day cards and wish they were true.

That's a remarkable likeness by the way.

AA said...

Cormac is beautiful. I'll have him. :)

Unknown said...

Hope you had a great Daddy's day and an awesome week thus far.

Cute grandson!

Helen said...

Hey Bearded One - thanks so much for sending me into an absolute spin!!! I forgot all about Father's Day!!!!!! Aaaaagh.
Rang my Dad straight away (all the while thinking - how did I miss all the crappy Father's Day presents catalogues etc etc) and told him I loved him and how sorry I was and what a horrid daughter I am etc etc.
Very calmly, (while laughing madly on the inside I'm sure) Dad told me that over here in the Land Down Under, Father's Day isn't until September.
I hadn't missed it. (In fact I was way ahead!)
Anyway, had a great chat with my Dad, and he said "this has been a great Father's Day - heh heh"
So Happy Father's Day to you Kim, and thanks for the timely reminder that Dad's are so special.....

Kim Ayres said...

Keepin' Afloat - I am indeed :)

V - I did, thank you :)

Mapstew - I did, and I hope you did too :)

Savannah - ((hugs)) :)

Alice - superb!

Pat - he is such a cutie, isn't he? :)

Hope - she is very creative :)

Allen - and to you too :)

Carole - that you chose to comment is more than enough for me :)

Snoble24 - I did, thank you :)

Ron - I think there's a missed business opportunity there - time to set up a partnership with Hallmark :)

Jasmine - I don't suppose he'll be bothered about the photo, but his mother and grandmother are delighted with it :)

Helen Mac - thank you :)

Gillian - she definitely has my ears down to a fine tee :)

Debra - :)

Bonequinhoda - I think you might be mixing up who's done what. The card was from my daughter and the photo is of my grandson :)

Technobabe - it was, thank you :)

Eryl - it's the ears, I know... :)

Daphne - it's true

TalesNTypos - well I'm open to negotiation, but I don't think his mum would be too happy... :)

Roschelle - thank you :)

Helen - and it's a different day in the States too, I think. Glad you spoke to your dad though :)

Ron said...

Wonderful picture Kim. This will be a classic picture he will treasure all his life.

AA said...

Hugs for Cormac.... and you. :)

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