Damage Limitation
I hope everyone has survived Feastmas more or less intact!
I've been asked to Guest Blog over at MizFit. I guess it must have been because of my understanding of fighting the multiple reasons I yearn to over-eat, rather than any expertise in exercise and fitness (hahahahahaha).
My approach in this season of Xcessmas is one of Damage Limitation - I know I'm going to over indulge, but if I eat healthily at every other opportunity, and only indulge on the food I love, rather than any old thing just because it happens to be there, then the physical damage will be limited by the time we crawl into January.
So if I only put on 5lbs instead of 10lbs, then I can see this as an achievement, rather than a reason to beat myself up, feel depressed and eat even more to comfort myself (the overeating cycle familiar to anyone who uses food as their main drug of choice).
So if you'd like to follow my thoughts, or even contribute your own, do pop over to see MizFit and leave a comment on the post Damage Limitation:
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