One Spoon Short of a Cutlery Set...
Society: This is how a typical brain operates:

Me: This is my brain:
Society: That's a seriously messed up brain you have there, son!
Me: What do you mean messed up? Look at all the things it can do!
Society: Where's your fork?
Me: I don't really need one – I've always got by making use of the corkscrew and that funny thing for getting a stone out of horse's hooves.
Society: You don't have a spoon!
Me: I manage to carefully avoid situations where I would ever need one. I've become extremely adept at foreseeing when it might be an issue, and sidestepping before anyone else has noticed.
Society: So you have Absent Spoon Disorder!
Me: What do you mean, disorder? Have you seen all the things I can do? I've got a long knife and a short one!
Society: But you don't have a spoon!
Me: Look at this - it's a file!
Society: But you don't have a spoon!
Me: What about this can opener? It's also got a small screwdriver on the tip!
Society: But you don't have a spoon!
Me: Have you any idea just how useful these scissors are?
Society: But you don't have a spoon!
Me: But I've got pliers, and a saw, and all sorts of other things that are really useful – don't these count for anything?
Society: Sorry – but you definitely have Absent Spoon Disorder! We can give you some anti-depressants to ease your discomfort at having to live with such a debilitating condition, and the obvious sense of guilt and failure you will feel at never being a productive member of society.
Me: But wait! Look, here, tucked into this little slot – tweezers! How cool is that?
Society: Are you still here?
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