DG Life Magazine - May 2014 edition
DG Life magazine has done a feature on me for the May 2014 edition, which hit the shelves today.
I was interviewed a few weeks ago by commissioning editor, Andrea Thompson, at my favourite meeting place, In House Chocolates. It was much more like chatting to an old friend than being formally interviewed. We happily blethered for a couple of hours, downing enough hot chocolate to have us bouncing off the walls.
Andrea asked me to email her a selection of photos to put with the article, and then she said they would usually send out someone to photograph me, but in my case that probably wasn't necessary.
I have a few self portraits kicking about from when I have an idea but don't have anyone else about to try it out on so turn the camera on myself, but I thought it would be better to create something new.
I poured through my notes and ideas files and came across the idea of shooting myself with the camera but with photos and colours flying out of my head rather than blood and gore. Needless to say considerably more time was spent in Photoshop than in front of the camera, but I was pleased with the result and put it in with the rest of the images.

Head shot...
I wasn't sure how big the article was going to be. It might be a half page, or perhaps a full page with 2 or 3 small photos. However, it turns out I've got 2 pages of writing, plus a double page spread of my photo, Wedding Dress. And they included my old photo of my poet friend, David Mark Williams in the contents page.
Feeling well chuffed.

Click on any of the images for larger versions
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