Rambling Beard Awards 2013
3 years ago I realised 3 years had passed since I'd handed out the award and many of the previous recipients no longer blogged, but there were new blogging friends on the scene, so I created the not-particularly-originally-titled Rambling Beard Awards 2010.
Well another 3 years have trickled past and the mix of bloggers who are influencing and supporting this place has shifted once again. One of the most noticeable differences this time round is the dominance of Facebook as most people's primary form of online socialisation. There are many who only blog very sporadically, or have stopped completely, who I am happily connected to on Facebook, but rarely find their way here anymore.
So I figure it's time to hand out another award. And although I have since changed the name of this blog so it is no longer called "Ramblings of the Bearded One", I think I'll continue with the award name.
So, without further ado, and in no particular order, may I present to you the Rambling Beard Awards 2013.

Recipients - please feel free to place this on your side bar
Pat - Past Imperfect
When it comes to going above and beyond the duty for blogging, Pat actually put me and my son up for the night when we were Down South back in the summer. She is warm, kind, and one of only 3 on this list who have been awarded this award for the 3rd time in succession.
Hope - The Road Less Traveled
Very often one of the first to post a comment on a new post, Hope keeps me going. Sometimes I struggle to convince myself it's worth posting something, but as soon as her comment appears I'm reminded why I made the effort.
Savannah - Savannah Marsh Mama
Another of the bloggers that have been in my life for many years, although I think more of our interaction tends to be via that other online social networking site. However, I don't know quite what it is, but even after all these years, I still feel a warm glow every time she calls me sugar. Plus it's her birthday today - do pop across and wsh her a happy one.
His blog has been through a few different incarnations, but Maurcheen keeps going. He feels a bit like the fun cousin who you don't see as much of as you'd like to but always enjoy his company when you do.
Jayne - In Jayne's World
When I began blogging, 8½ years ago, I was planning on becoming a writer. Although I abandoned that ambition several years back, in many ways Jayne writes the kind of blog I intended to create - full of well written observations on life as well as short stories, and never shying away from making a social or political point if she feels it's necessary. Always a good read.
Eryl - Palimpsest
I felt bereft with the demise of The Kitchen Bitch Ponders. I love the way Eryl's mind works and the way she looks at the world (she is the 3rd of already twice awarded). So I was relieved, and then delighted when she began her photography blog - exploring the world through the lens of a camera. Her individualism, creativity and desire to always try something new is never less than inspirational.
Allen - Allen's Zoo
Allen has an ability to move a pen over a sheet of paper in a way that within a few quick strokes a character comes to life off the paper. I've always loved his work, but a few months ago I began life drawing classes and gained a whole new level of insight into just how much mastery of the pencil he has.
Liz - Bird's Eye View
Liz, aka Hindsfeet, has been visiting this blog for several years, but in recent times has started commenting more often. Always warm and complimentary, quite simply she's very good for my ego.
Joanathan - Gardening Leave
Jonathan feels like one of the great discoveries of the past year or so. His writing is rich and fulsome and draws you into tales and worlds much like Dr Who's Tardis - so much bigger on the inside than they appear on the outside.
The fact she didn't receive an award last time can only lead me to the conclusion that it's been less than 3 years since we started regularly commenting on each other's blogs. Which seems odd, because in many ways it feels like I have known her for years and years. I love her observations, her enthusiasm in the world and the way she writes in a Guyanese patois.
Many thanks to everyone who visits this wee corner of the Internet - commenters and lurkers alike. I wish you all a wonderful year ahead!
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