Photographing A Fish Out of Water
At last year’s Spring Fling, she wrapped a complete traditional Galloway cottage in a fitted floral stretch fabric. "Couch" became one of the highlights of the weekend (for a wee video showing the fabric being fitted, head to YouTube -

Only discovered if you happened to be driving on a small, out of the way B-road.

Exact measurements had to be taken to ensure a proper fit. Note the chimneys...
Galleries and formal exhibitions are not for Alice. She likes her art to be stumbled upon and to force you to think twice about what you are seeing and how that might challenge a whole pile of preconceptions you never realised you were carrying around with you.
A couple of weeks ago she embarked on A Fish Out of Water - "An intrepid 'Silver Darling' retraces the routes of her ancestors by hiking inland along The Herring Walk. A humorous adventure in ichthyology!", where she sought to hike along the old route taken by the fishwives from Eyemouth Harbour through to Selkirk – but dressed a fish, in a costume made from, old rope, netting and beach-combed plastics.

Fish ready for a hike, complete with OS Map
This was one strand of a Borders Arts Trust project called Casting The Net – more of which can be found on their blog -
Alice and the Borders Arts Trust needed an image or two for publicity, so before she set off we went out to take a few photos.

Rucksack, bedroll and saucepan at the ready

Alice emerging from the headset

One last look at the sea

Up through the woods where the wild-garlic offered its sweet aroma when brushed against.

I can't help but feel this image would look at its best printed up at least 2m high
As always, feel free to click on the images for larger versions.
I asked Alice to be my poster-girl for this year’s Spring Fling open-studio event at the end of May, where the theme for my studio will be 'I'm Humphrey Bogart and So's My Wife'. More on that in a later post…
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