Last of the Snowhicans...
In this corner of South-West Scotland we’ve never had enough to build a decent snowman and the kids haven’t had a single day off school. All over the rest of the country there have been several days of chaos caused by the fluffy stuff. But here, even when we’ve woken up to a white blanket, but lunchtime it’s turned to rain, and slush has dominated the day.
Until today.
The school was closed, roads were closed, few people braved heading out onto the high street.

Castle Douglas high street
My son, Rogan, and I walked up to the supermarket to buy some bread and a few essentials, heads down against the constant blast of snow against our faces. At times I wondered whether we should have been roped together for safety. Until he threw a snowball at me...
It’s been several years since we last built a snowman of any size. In fact I suspect it might be as far back as 2006 when I wrote this post – Snow has arrived in Castle Douglas. Even in the really cold winters a couple of years back when the lochs froze over, the snow was powdery and not suitable for moulding and sculpting.
But today’s snow was perfect: thick, slightly damp and plenty of it

Several inches of the right kind of snow
"How about we create one with a Mohawk?" said Rogan, as we looked out at the garden from the kitchen window.
"You mean a Snowhican," said Maggie.
Well, how could we not attempt to create something as wonderful sounding as a Snowhican?

Last of the Snowhicans

Rogan compares it with his own...
As always feel free to click on any of the images for larger versions
After a combination of a further 24 hours of snow, and the temperature sometimes rising above freezing, the following day the Snowhican was covered in more white fluffy stuff and was leaning like he'd had a few drinks too many...

All day we've been waiting for him to topple, but he just keeps seeming to lean further and further into a gravity defying angle
The Snowhican has continued his leaning, yet not completely toppling, to the point where we are beginning to doubt the laws of physics apply in our garden...

Day 3 and we do a doubletake everytime we look out the window
Amazingly, this morning the Snowhican had still not toppled over, but remained barely an inch or two above the snow.

Day 4 and we kept having to return for another look. However, by late afternoon he finally touched the snow underneath
UPDATE 4 - Day 15
2 weeks later and no further snow yet still the Snowhican maintains some of its shape.

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