The blog of photographer Kim Ayres


I came across a site the other day called "GoAnimate". It allows you to create your own animated sketches by using cartoon characters and converting the text into speech.

At the freebie entry level, you are allowed to create one character of your own from scratch, use a limited selection of backgrounds, and a handful of existing characters. And the time limit for your animation is 2 minutes. If you are prepared to fork out money, you can create more characters, select from a wider array of backgrounds and develop much longer movies.

So here's a sketch I put together using my free character, a basic background and it comes in at just under 2 minutes long.

You'll have guessed I haven't paid for the Pro account yet...

The voices sound a bit stilted - a touch Stephen Hawking - but considering I was able to put this together in a short amount of time on a budget of zero, I'm really quite impressed with the system.

Territorial Markings by kimayres on GoAnimate

If for some reason you can't see the video, then click on the link and hopefully it should take you directly to the site


MW Sound said...

Never mind the animation, the script is hilarious. Please tell me you wrote it. I laffed like a hyena on nitrous :0

Kim Ayres said...

Marcus - yes I wrote it, a couple of years back, but never found a place to use it. I have a few more scripts I might convert :)

katierobertsart said...

Great characters and animation Kim, the voices and the subject needs a bit of work!!! ;) (eeeewwww!)

PS Kirra thinks its actually 'kind of a funny subject matter' x

Mimi and Tilly said...

It's amazing how much intonation and fluency change the pattern of speech isn't it? I thought your avatar was brill, and the script very funny. I love the concept of being able to write and make your own animations. The potential for blog posts has just increased exponentially, but I did find the stilted speech a bit disconcerting... Em x

hope said...

Fascinatingly funny!

I know what you mean about the "voice". I had a subscription to a greeting card company once with a variety of voices/accents. Each one had the same stilting speech pattern! I finally had to re-write one message with shorter words so the "character" would stop sounding like a verbal machine gun.

More of these please! :)

Unknown said...

That is too funny. Goodness sakes you are certainly on the top of your game.

Ruth Kelly said...

Some funny, some appalling. It reminds me of my Uncle who has Alzheimer's and if the bathroom is busy, he just walks outside and does his business - sad.

Ponita in Real Life said...

That made be laugh out loud, Kim! Excellent!!! I do hope you do some more... very entertaining! Thanks.

Kim Ayres said...

Katie - the diea straightforwardly camse from watching a documentary which mentioned how animals mark their territory with urine and I started thinking what would it be like if people did that :)

Emma - I think you should give it a go - I look forward to your first foray into animation :)

Hope - I did have to change a couple of sentences because the intonation and rhythm didn't work, but considering it allowed me to create an animation without a cast of artists and a studio, I'm not complaining :)

Carole - actually I wrote the script nearly 3 years ago. You might (or might not) recall this blog post, which kick started the idea :)

Ruth - perhaps he could be steered towards the compost bins - urine's supposed to be very good for them

Anna - :)

Ponita - thank you - well this seems to have gained a reasonable reaction, so perhaps I'll dig out some other old scripts I've got lying around :)

David Mark Williams - Poet said...

Dear Mr Ayres
I felt compelled to convey my thanks to you for your most stimulating instructional video, which manages to be both informative and lively. I shall certainly be putting into practice some of the security measures outlined in it. I was also wondering if you might be able to suggest an optimum diet I might adopt in order to ensure that I produce urine of maximum pungency. On the subject of urine might I allow myself to voice a minor criticism of your video. Was it really necessary to resort to the term "pissing" throughout. Speaking for myself, it bothered me not a jot as I do regard myself as broad minded but such gutter language might cause offence in certain circles. How would you feel if Her Majesty the Queen were to chance upon your video while surfing the net. Bang goes a knighthood, methinks. Might I suggest you substitute micturating throughout instead of the offending word. Setting that aside, congratulations once again on your splendid offering.

Kim Ayres said...

Dear Mr Williams,
Thank you for your comments and suggestions. As for your question, I would suggest eating plenty of asparagus about 3 to 4 hours before. This creates a very distinct aroma and will make it easier to identify your own property should it look similar to others in the vicinity
Yours etc...

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