The innocent still have nothing to fear...
Revealed: police databank on thousands of protesters*
I don’t have the energy for righteous indignation.
I’m also too cynical to think it will make any difference.
There are bloggers out there – Bock the Robber, Michael Greenwell, Fatmammycat who are happy to scream out about the injustices of the world, and I respect them for it, especially as they are damn good writers and often quite amusing with it too.
We need people with energy and drive who want to change the world for a better place.
And certainly if all the people who complain about wheelie-bin collection times, gay marriages, or how the youth of today have no respect for their elders, actually put their anger into action against world poverty, corrupt governments and the erosion of our civil liberties, the world probably could be drastically improved.
I’ve never been a campaigner; I’ve never been on a protest march; I’ve never even written a letter of complaint to my local newspaper. And I have to admit, I feel a fair amount of guilt about it. I’m only too aware that “evil thrives when good men do nothing.”
But most of my energy goes into getting to the end of the day.
However, as someone with an utter distrust of authority, the growth in surveillance, police databases and the general assumption of guilt is something that greatly disturbs me.
That the police are keeping records of innocent protesters; that they are allowed to photograph us and store all sorts of info about us without our consent or knowledge, yet we are no longer allowed to photograph them; that a climate of fear is continually being stoked up so we fear everyone around is either a paedophile or terrorist, and this helps justify why everything we say, do, or even think is monitored; doesn’t surprise me.
It saddens me; it frightens me; it exhausts me as soon as I think about it; but it doesn’t surprise me. In some ways I wish it did, as then I could use the energy of righteous indignation rather than be sapped by cynicism.
“The innocent have nothing to fear!” is always the cry of those who erode our rights and place ever greater powers into the hands of the ruling elites. “These laws are only there to protect us from paedophiles and terrorists.”
And that is fine.
So long as you believe corruption doesn’t happen
So long as you completely and utterly trust every single policeman
So long as you completely and utterly trust every single secret service operative
So long as you completely and utterly trust every single poitician
So long as you completely and utterly trust every single person in a position of authority
So long as you agree with every single person in a position of authority
And believe they will never put their own interests above yours
So long as you believe miscarriages of justice never happen
And so long as you have no fear that anyone in the future in any of these positions will ever be corrupt
Then you can believe you have nothing to fear.
*With thanks to Kate for pointing me to this article
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