- Kim Ayres said...
Today, anyway.
Tomorrow, maybe not. -
5:01 pm, March 03, 2009
Anonymous said...
It is my turn to say I don't know what to say.
5:57 pm, March 03, 2009
- savannah said...
thoughtful. like you, sugar! xox
6:25 pm, March 03, 2009
- Mary Witzl said...
Rainy there? Whatever it is, I like it.
6:27 pm, March 03, 2009
- sarah said...
matching weather. we've got that too. i dig your take on it - moody, but you know it smells good, because rain does.
6:55 pm, March 03, 2009
- Kim Ayres said...
Bloody typical - I try to make some kind of existential angst kind of statment with a picture of rain, and the first 4 commenters live in desert environments...
7:14 pm, March 03, 2009
- Eryl said...
I tried to go out for a paper today, but was beaten back in: my eyeballs looked like your window. When will it end?
10:47 pm, March 03, 2009
- Apex Zombie said...
That'll be us soon enough... stupid seasons
2:32 am, March 04, 2009
- karatemom said...
to me...its a pic of fragmented shattered rain droplets as viewed through a hazy cloudy distorted view in gloomy shades of grey.
3:12 am, March 04, 2009
Anonymous said...
Maybe you need to migrate south for the winter months.
1:23 pm, March 04, 2009
- Kim Ayres said...
Eryl - well it's clear and sunny here today - did you get the snow last night?
FLG - maybe we should live in more equatorial climates, which don't tend to have such changes
KarateMom - that's it! Reflected yesterday's mood perfectly.
Conan - I should be living in a mediterranean climate. The only drawback is lack of money, lack of another language and Maggie's not so keen. -
3:44 pm, March 04, 2009
- Unknown said...
It is a perfect cover for a Blues album. Good eye.
4:41 pm, March 04, 2009
- Eryl said...
No snow last night, a smattering today but it's been gloriously sunny for the most part.
9:14 pm, March 04, 2009
- Dr Maroon said...
Oh Kim. What a picture. No depth of field whatsoever. You have focused on the window rather than the world outside. A common mistake among beginners. Alter aperture and lens settings and we might get somewhere.
As for the rain, welcome to Dumfriesshire. Serves you right. -
11:32 am, March 05, 2009
Anonymous said...
I like pregnant window-rain-drops, all full of incipient trickle.
What's the wee brown thing in the lower left? i might say it's a commentary on the jaundiced state of the current economic climate but I always did get carried away to easily. -
4:43 pm, March 05, 2009
- Kim Ayres said...
Carole - send me a title and a band name (make them up) and I'll create an album cover out of it :)
Eryl - I love the sun
Dr Maroon - Once again I am gobsmacked by your understanding and insight
Sam - On the left is the library across the road. The yellowish bit was the light on in the window. Over on the right is a monkey puzzle tree - the only one I've seen in SW Scotland, I have to admit.
So when you combine the idea of a lonely light calling to booklovers in an increasingly underfunded and underused resource, with the foreign tree in an alien environment, we can see how the uber narrative plays out in a dark and blurry background juxtaposed with the drops in front of our eyes, distorting the life giving light, and undermining our sense of belonging in a nostlagic and unattainable Britain... -
4:55 pm, March 05, 2009
- Unknown said...
MT Heart Blues
Dark Vices -
5:41 pm, March 05, 2009
- Unknown said...
Wow, now I have to put a band together, just so I can have the album cover. That is excellent.
8:54 pm, March 05, 2009
- Kim Ayres said...
So do you play the saxaphone?
10:05 am, March 06, 2009
- karatemom said...
very cool..when I was a kid in school we had to design album covers very cool project saw some awesome ideas..this brought back memories of that assignment.
2:57 pm, March 06, 2009
- Pat said...
Makes me smile - it reminds me of my Gran. On a Monday - washday - when it was raining she'd turn back from the window with a tragic face and
intone, with gloom and doom drowning every syllable -
'Raining again!'
You had to be there. It was throat cut time! -
3:31 pm, March 06, 2009
- debra said...
Rain is coming our way, too, and thunderstorms. Through Sunday night. That means mud. And muddy dogs. Ugh.
3:17 am, March 07, 2009
- Kanani said...
It could also be the advert for some kind of sexy men's cologne.
7:26 am, March 07, 2009
- Barlinnie said...
There's something very magical about the rain in Scotland. You've managed to capture it perfectly, and it's just how I always envisage it to be.
If you're not Scottish, rain is just rain. -
8:06 am, March 07, 2009
- savannah said...
desert? i think not, sugar...this is faulkner country - verdant, luscious, fecund land...ok, maybe not in the winter, but still far from a desert. ;) xoxox
(don't hate the playa, hate the game...not my fault it's 11c at 6.30 in the morning, darlin!) -
11:38 am, March 07, 2009
- Kim Ayres said...
KarateMom - maybe I should turn it into a meme and tag everyone...
Pat - I can feel it, I can feel it...
Debra - muddy dogs... one of the reasons pets never appealed...
Kanani - "Gloom. Pour Hommes"
Jimmy - at some point I may have to point out to you that although I've lived in Scotland for 21 years and my wife and children are Scottish...
Savannah - maybe I should have said warmer and sunnier. But then most people fit into that category... -
4:49 pm, March 07, 2009
- savannah said...
*poke* ya'll know i'm jes teasin! ;) xoxo
(but it really was that warm anevne warmer now!) -
7:50 pm, March 07, 2009
- i N a said...
rains just change my mood.. hate rains, how i wish it was always sunny..
4:06 pm, September 12, 2009
- Kim Ayres said...
I know the feeling - I need to be living somewhere like Greece, Southern France, or California rather than Scotland as far as the weather is concerned :)
4:11 pm, September 12, 2009
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