First up, Friday 21st September is our Silk wedding anniversary. Maggie & I have been married for 12 years now, and together for nearly 17. I could have written about how we met and why our relationship was doomed to failure from the start but somehow we overcame all the obstacles, but I found I'd covered it all already, 2 years ago on our Tin wedding anniversary.
Next up, Kanani, over at Easy-Writer has bestowed upon me a Quality Time Wasting Prolific Blogger Award for keeping her from doing all the stuff she really ought to be doing with her time instead. It's a compliment, I think.
I'm supposed to then nominate other bloggers who keep me away from doing what I should. This, in fact, covers just about everyone I link to on my side bar. Unfortunately, you lot being the petulant, insecure bunch you are, if I name some but not others there will only be sulks and tears before bedtime, so let's just say you all deserve it.

I've divided the above picture into a 9x9 grid - take a section to stick on your own site.
Finally, or I'll never get away, a couple of weeks ago the local primary school had a "Dads & Kids Day" which I took Meg along to. We learned about stone-age man's activities in this corner of Scotland, had a go a prehistoric-style painting using our fingers and poster-paints and were even introduced to spear-throwing (mock spears, not real ones - we are talking primary school here).
In addition to all this, Meg & I got our photo taken. And if there's one thing I've learned after 2 and bit years of blogging, it's that a father & daughter photo posted on the blog carries a considerable aaaahhhh factor.
So just for you, and you have to realise I wouldn't just do this for anybody, here's the photo of me & Meg.

Have a good weekend and I'll hopefully catch up with you on the other side of it.
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