The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Last of The Winter Leaves

Over the weekend there was a real smell of Spring in the air.

A hint, a suggestion, a promise maybe, of new growth to come.

I went for a walk round Dalbeattie Woods, camera in hand. No real sign of new buds yet, but there was still a small handful of the last leaves, hanging on despite all the winter winds and storms.

Soon they will be replaced by fresh green foliage.

But not just yet.


hope said...

Aw, that top leaf looks so lonely. Great capture.

Kim Ayres said...

Thanks Hope :)

Allen Capoferri said...

Love these, Kim.

Kim Ayres said...

Thanks Allen :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of leaves. Lz

Ponita in Real Life said...

The centre leaf is rather Middle Earth troll-ish. I like!

Kim Ayres said...

Lz - thank you :)

Ponita - I know what you mean - I think it's my favourite :)

TamraKi said...

Very nice photos and words

Kim Ayres said...

Thank you TamraKi - and for taking the time to comment :)

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Like you, I'm fascinated with leaves, Kim. The sounds they make, the way they skitter down the street, the colours fading...I won't go on, I think you know what I mean.

Beautiful photos!

Kim Ayres said...

Neena - you should go on - you do more with words than I can with photos :)

Yaya Snaps said...

There's something wonderfully beautiful about your "dead" leaves. If they bring joy to the eye and the soul (through your photography) can they be truly dead?!

Kim Ayres said...

Theanne - thank you :) There can be a lot of beauty in decay - photographically, though, it requires finding or creating the right light though. A few years back I posted a series of photos of peonies, but it was the final, decaying one in the series, which I liked the most:

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