The Solace of Cupboards
6 years ago, as I was beginning to develop my photography, a photo I took of him had a profound affect on the my approach to portraiture and reset the course of my career. Out went seeking rusty doorhandles, peeling paint and crocuses popping up through the snow, and in came moody portraits with texture, landscape and lots of shadows.

Don't mess with The Poet...
Over the past couple of years I've been dipping in and out of using the video capability of my camera. Although I don't see it replacing my photography any time soon, there is something quite fascinating about the moving image, while trying to keep my photographer's eye.
So it seemed appropriate that Mark (as he's known to his friends) and I should start a project together where I would film him performing his poetry to camera.
We've decided to see if we can create a handful of short films, each one different in filming style, as a way of me to develop my understanding of filming and editing, and for Mark to have a vehicle to expand the number of people exposed to his creations.
Our first venture was "The Solace of Cupboards" - about a man who finds peace away from the busy office, by standing in the stationery cupboard.
By starting with this one, it allowed me to tie in with that original photo, by filming it with a single light coming from the side, giving that feeling of nestling in the shadows.
Hope you enjoy it
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