Waiting for a parcel
Lee is currently making delivery number 1, you are delivery number 62.
Lee is approximately 6 hours 15 minutes away from you.
Lee is currently making delivery number 41, you are delivery number 62.
Lee is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes away from you.
Lee is currently making delivery number 59, you are delivery number 62.
Lee is approximately 15 minutes away from you.
At least the days when you had to wait in all day when expecting a delivery are slowly disappearing. More and more couriers now have parcel tracking enabled. And in the case of Interlink Express, they tell you the driver's name and you can follow him on Google Maps.
I've been waiting for the parcel containing 300 CDs of the new EP by The Cracked Man to turn up.
It's been a nerve-wracking experience as it's only 2 days until the EP Launch (at The Gordon House Hotel in Kirkcudbright, if you can make it along).
When we booked the venue and announced the launch to the world I thought I would have at least 2 weeks leeway for the CDs to arrive, but somehow more and more of that leeway was getting used up. At this point, if anything had gone wrong, there would be no chance to correct it, and we would be having our EP launch without the EP...
Fortunately Discwizards - and Lee - pulled through and the artwork looks good and the CDs play in the CD player.
Huge sigh of relief.

I do wonder though, what degree of detail is available to the parcel tracking system?
Lee is currently calling in on Mrs Smith with whom he is having an affair.
Lee will be delayed by approximately 17 minutes.
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