Photography, Woodlands, Sunset and the First Taste of Autumn
Sometimes I can grab one of my children and stick a hat on them and go click, but this has become increasingly rare as they get older. These days I think even if I offered my 19 year old son money, he would still refuse.
On occasions such as these I've started going for walks in the woods, particularly around sunset. As the last rays streak through gaps in the trees and hit leaves, twigs or ferns in a deep golden, almost bronze light, it can sometimes be truly magical.
Big zoom lens. Really wide aperture. Sunset back-lighting. Great combination.
Here are some pics I've taken this month. Click on them for slightly larger versions.

This last one has a sense of the first taste of autumn.
Which is what we are experiencing in Scotland.
Having spent my formative years about 400 miles south of where I currently live, I have never really come to terms with the fact that by mid August, the air has a distinct chill in the morning and evening, the brambles are starting to turn a deep purple and the kids start back at school. Meg started the new term today. She's now in S5.
Every year it catches me out.
Every year it feels at least a month too early.
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