Photography competition and an album launch
In the morning I did some stuff on studio and portrait photography, while in the afternoon, Phil took them out to show them how he approaches landscape photography.
It was a fun and day - partly because of the interest and talent shown by the competition winners, and also because I gained a deeper insight into just how differently Phil and I approach photography. It's not just that he shoots landscapes while I focus on people, but the ways we learn, the ways we teach, and what we consider the priorities also vary tremendously. It all goes to show there are many roads to developing your path and your voice in photography.

Back: Phil, Nicola, Esme, me
Front: Lewis, Brodie
In the evening I took a couple of the winners with me to the Album launch of The Yahs, which I'd been invited to because they used my photo of them for the cover of the CD.
Photographing performances is a very different beast to studio photography. In ordinary portraiture you have control over the background, the lighting and you can interact with the sitter. With bands up on a stage, on the other hand, you can do none of these things. However, there are things you can do to increase your hit rate of reasonably successful photos and I did try and pass as much of this on as I could.
Below are a couple of the shots I took. The lead singer of The Yahs is such a great front-man - moving about, strutting, posing and engaging with the audience, that it's not hard to take a good photo if you can learn to anticipate his moves. Not always easy as he is moving pretty much constantly, but when you can catch him, the rewards are great.

For the rest of the set from Saturday, visit the album on my Photography Facebook page - - you don't have to be a member of Facebook to view it.
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