The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Live at Eden

The must-have accessory for the Eden Festival is wellies. Every year since it began it pours with rain and the entire site becomes a mud pit. This year caught everyone by surprise when they realised they should have left their wellies behind and brought sun cream instead.

Scruffy Buzzards were already booked to play in Rabbie’s Tavern - the beer tent - early on the Friday evening, but because we won the Creetown Busker’s Banquet the previous week (see last post), we were also awarded a place on the main stage

Photo courtesy of Steven Brown Photography

It was great having all this space to move about. Even though the crowds were not exactly huge at 2pm on the Friday afternoon, it was quite a different experience to be on a large stage and not have to worry about tripping over each other, or prod, stab or thwack the person next to us with our instruments.

A few hours later it was back to normal in Rabbie’s Tavern where we could empathise with tinned sardines again

Photo courtesy of PR Imaging

Although I was unable to take photos of us while we were playing, I still took the camera along and fired off a few shots between gigs.

Wigs, beer and beard

Grant from The Yahs giving his all

For the rest of the photos in this set, then visit the album on my Facebook Photography page here:


Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a fantastic time! I now know what wellies are.

Kim Ayres said...

Ever an education on this blog :)

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Aussie pal says 'gum boots'. We say 'long boots'.

Which do you prefer...the big stage or the tavern?

The gals with the coloured wigs make me want one.

hope said...

And always a reason to smile. :)

mapstew said...

Good stuff and well done. A big stage can be both exhilarating and terrifying at once. :¬)

Pat said...

You look like you belong there . Next stop Glastonbury:)

Kim Ayres said...

Guyana-Gyal - Big stage was definitely a thrill I could get used to :)

Hope :)

Mapstew - it's true :)

Pat - if you have any contacts there... :)

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