The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Somewhere to store them

I have numerous notebooks and an even greater number of scraps of paper with thoughts and ideas scribbled on them. Each collection of words hastily written in case I forgot them; desperately recorded to remind me later of that moment of insight.

Some of them are barely a few words; some are a few paragraphs; some are quotes that created an explosion in my head when I read them; some were written 20 years ago; some were written more recently; some are more or less complete; most are starting points waiting to be fleshed out and developed.

Unfortunately, they induce a sense of guilty responsibility. I can't throw them out - each one was written with the hope and expectation it would prove useful - and yet, they pile up, cluttering desktops, shelves and any number of random spaces.

But with all that's been going on in my life recently, I feel a need to offload them.

My solution is to place them online - probably one a day on average - so I can search through them with ease if I want to, without having to trawl through semi-legible scribbles in an assortment of piles.

Whether I ever will is less important than the feeling that I could, should the fancy take me.

So a week ago, I put together a new blog called "Somewhere to store them"

Feel free to have a nose around, and if anything here triggers ideas for you, then good for you. Probably. Unless you have the same problem as me...


Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing!

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I have the same problem...only thing is, I don't want to put 'em online, they're all ideas for books I have in my head.

I store my notebooks in a big bin with a cover. Then I saw something on tv that Eminem says he does...he stores all the scraps with scribbles in a box. So simple I should've thought of that!

But I wish there's some place online that I can store my scribbles but only I can see 'em.

Kim Ayres said...

Theanne - you're welcome :)

GG - that's relatively simple if you have a googlemail account. You could then use the Google Docs option and store them all in documents online that only you can access :)

PR said...

Very cool idea, and thanks for sharing. I'm not old enough to have 20 years of scribbles, but I defo need to sort something out, papers are flaffing about everywhere! :)

Universal Gibberish

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Yes, yes, I have a gmail account, and I've seen the google docs. thing, but all along I'd thought it's for sharing.

Wow, Kim. Thanks! Somehow, I knew you'd know :-)

Ruby said...

I could never do that as I am so visual that the cues from the paper, pen used, shape, color, etc is nearly for me to be able to re-grab the thought process! so I am jealous. I've withheld being free with the habit for that simple reason - I'm so visual that the discomfort of those papers cluttering around puts a negative spin on it all. I've tried notebooks for different types of ideas.. moleskins, basically, but it gets confusing and awkward. I will buy an ipad with an app someday or perfect the tiny notebook method and wear cargo pockets everywhere. ;)

I'll be looking at your ideas, though! :) are questions allowed?

Kim Ayres said...

Anna - you're better off dealing with it now, than waiting 20 years... :)

GG - glad to be of help :)

Ruth - questions are not only allowed, they're welcomed :)

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