Divided Opinion
The past few weeks have been filled with phoning people, negotiating times when I can stick my camera in their faces, discussing coffee requirements, drinking coffee, sticking my camera in their faces, selecting editing and processing photos, and sometimes phoning people back to ask if I can re-shoot a particular angle as I can see something that has almost worked in one I took earlier, but not quite.
Also taking up time has been a bit of online debating on a photo site or 2, where not everyone likes the style of portrait photography I’ve been developing lately.
As I mentioned in the post, Staring Back, the idea is all the portraits for the forthcoming exhibition will be staring out of the photo back at the viewer. And in many cases I am using post-production editing techniques to enhance the landscape of the face.
This textural, heightened-reality style seems to divide opinion. Some absolutely love it, while others recoil and think I should have used a softer light and more muted colours to make the images a bit more acceptable.
So with the blog feeling a little neglected, I thought I could give you a little chance to form your own opinion. As a taster, here are 2 of the images I’ve decided will be going into the exhibition. Although there will be a few musicians featured – mainly because half the people I know play something - these are the only 2 where their instrument is shown.
Do click on them for the larger images, to get a better sense of impact.


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