The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Meg is 12

On the one hand it seems incredible that it’s as long as 12 years since Meg arrived on Valentine’s Day. And yet to remember a time before Meg was around seems, well, a lifetime ago.

My little birthday girl is away to the SECC in Glasgow today to see “Strictly Come Dancing: The Live Tour” with her mother and big sister.

It’s no understatement to say that Meg has been obsessed with the BBC TV series, Strictly Come Dancing, for the past couple of years. She has a DVD, which has been watched in excess of 200 times.

I am not exaggerating.

So when Maggie found out last year that the live tour of Strictly was going to be in Scotland on Meg’s 12th birthday, tickets were booked immediately.

Meg was up very early this morning.

The enjoyment, or not, of Strictly in this house is split very much along gender lines. Rogan and I have been filling our time instead with a trip to the beach to lob stones in the calm, misty sea.

We’ll find out what the performance was like when the girls get home tonight.

They had a wonderful time and Meg thoroughly enjoyed herself. They even announced birthday wishes to Meg, as Maggie had sent a hopeful email ahead a few days before asking if they might.

Meg has gone to bed exhausted after a long day, but very happy


Rachel Fox said...

What a treat! We are very much the same here come Strictly time (3 girls in, one boy out). At least you have some company in your camp.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Meg, and may she dance home from Glasgow.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Happy Birthday to your Meg. I'm sure she's besides herself with excitement. She'll be chewin' yer ear off tonite when she gets home.

hope said...

What a wonderful Valentine for you and your wife...a baby girl. :)

I hope Megan has a spectacular day!

I teased my cousin, who was also born on Valentine's Day, for getting married on the same day. Poor man, if he forgets that day, he's messed up THREE "special" days.

Jayne Martin said...

Sounds like a birthday she'll remember forever. Congrats proud Papa...

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! Happy Birthday Meg- what a milestone that is! Can't wait to hear about the dancing.

Annie said...

Oh bless her. I bet she has a fantastic time and you'll here more than enough about it when she gets home. I hope she's had a lovely day.

The years go too fast don't they.

Happy birthday meg xx

Zaedah said...

Strictly Happy Birthday Meg!

It's a day we single people typically boycott but I will celebrate in your honor by performing the Hammer Dance (can't and shouldn't touch this) whilst singing the Birthday Song : )

snoble24 said...

well they do grow up fast my eldist neice is almost 15 come august shell be 15. i can barely belive it. i remember when she was so tiny and couldnt hold her head up and then i remember when she was first walking and i remember her growing up and boy the years have flown by. my nephew just turned 13 in january and i remember all the same things about him. my other neice will be 7 come august and it feels like she should still be in her moms womb and my litteslt neice is 13 almost 14 months and i swear she shouldnt be born yet she should not of even been made yet. but my god the years have flown and here they are growing so fast. you wonder how it happens and want to stop it so bad but you is so short.

Entrepreneur Chick said...

Happy birthday, Meg! xxxoo

What a perfect birthday for a daughter- Valentine's.

Pat said...

She must have been so excited to hear her name. I'm glad you said how old she is now - MTL asked me and I wasn't sure.
Knowing what an afficionado she is of the programme I wonder who are her favourites and if they were there?

Ponita in Real Life said...

What an excellent day for Meg! A very Happy Birthday to her. Mine was three days ago so there's always been a bit of a 'heart' theme...

Amy Flege said...

sounds like an amazing day for the birthday girl! so glad he had a great day!! tell her happy birthday!

Helen said...

Hey Bearded One - I love celebrating the children's birthdays! I think it's because it's exciting for them, but it's exciting for me too - reflecting on their birth and their growth etc. Not just a day that I am in (SEVERE)denial all the time and trying no to eat too much cake (AND FAILING - SIGH).
Happy Birthday Meg (P.S. Where are the photos?? Meg's portraits are always so lovely!)

Anonymous said...

My daughters exactly the same. She must have watched her favourite film (Goonies) a thousand times. Hope Meg had a wonderful birthday.

Apex Zombie said...

Happy Birthday to Meg! What a great present. And so glad to hear she had a wonderful time. Nothing quite like having your name mentioned infront of a large audience!

savannah said...

what a great birthday gift! xoxoxo

Katie Roberts said...

How gorgeous! A public shout-out!

Hope she had a fabulous day :)

Kim Ayres said...

Thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes for Meg. She sat with me at the computer and I read them all to her and she was delighted :)

Mary Witzl said...

Awww -- that is so sweet! Happy Birthday to Meg, Kim! (And say hello to Maggie and Rogan too!)

Kim Ayres said...

Thanks Mary, wil do :)

erika said...

Happy birthday, Meg! An awesome gift for an awesome little girl. Sending lots of (belated) birthday love.

Falak said...

Belated birthday wishes to Meg!

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