The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Window of the soul...

There are those who say the study of dreams can give us valuable insights into the subconscious.

Some take it further and say dreams offer us prophecies and visions of the future if only we can discover the correct interpretation.

And for others still, dreams are seen as a connection with the divine; a point where we can touch the mind of God or the Infinte.

However, I'm still trying to work out the significance of one of last night's dreams, which was set in an alternate universe containing a couple of minor TV celebrities with superhuman powers and I was in that awful position of realising I hadn't packed any clean underwear for the journey.


Anna van Schurman said...

Is it your cosmic to-do list telling you the laundry needs done?

Anonymous said...

Spare undies in a dream Kim!! - I should say you're doing quite well if you wearing any in the first place!
Dreams may well be windows into the soul but very grubby frosted glass windows.
Take care

Amy Flege said...

oh no... I am thinking you forgot to change your underwear!!!!! hehe
My sister in law is sooooo into the meaning of dreams. She calls psychics to try and figure them out!!!!!

karatemom said...

lol I know what you mean ...I often have dreams that in some way reflect whatever my newest challenges at the time are. Everytime I start a new job and have tons to learn I find I dream strange dreams relatiing to work.,..

This new job no exception...

I have a new boss that no matter what I do or how much i try to learn something I am "doing it wrong" ..I even turned a bowl the wrong direction while stirring something ..according to him drives me nuts..

well on the weekend I dreamed i was at work and someone asked for salt on the side....easy enough i gave them a small container of salt on the side...well my boss came to me and said that is the wrong kind of should have given them kiwi/cranberry salt....( this WAS my dream ...Kiwi /cranberry salt???no such animal..I figured out that my dream related to the relationship between me and this boss....I will never be correct in his eyes...

oh well.hope you figure out your dream ..if you do lemme know.

Unknown said...

I actually happen to be an old hand at dream interpretaion so let me give this a shot. One thing for sure about dreams is this. Even though you see yourself in the dream, that person is a watcher--a teller of the dream. The person that represents you is someone the teller sees.

Minor Celebrities --You are fairly well known in the blogosphere.

Superhuman powers -- You lost nearly a hundred pounds,you have an uncanny knack for touching your nose with your tongue, you can push away a second helping of Maggie's bramble crumble.

You are both superheroes. Mild mannered Kim Ayres and and wild and crazy bamboo stick.

Someone you know must be sharing their dirty laundry with you.. You are trying to get them to see that there is a different better reality (alternate universe) than the one they are living in if they are willing to take the trip though they may not be completely prepared.

Amy said...

I think that you somehow became stuck in my Mom's worst nightmare.

savannah said...

i can't remember my dreams in do i even dream?
what does that say about me, sugar?

Sayre said...

I had a pretty weird one the other night - and I remembered it, which is in and of itself amazing.

I was at the airport and a bomber showed up and took a bunch of us hostages. I heard him mutter, "I need more poetry in my life." So I told all the other hostages to write poems. I was walking towards him with a sheaf of poetry when he decided to lob the bomb. I caught it gently and tossed it back at him. He caught it and it blew up. End of dream.

Yeah. Weird. But at least I was wearing clean underwear....

Apex Zombie said...

Haha, perhaps that's your subconscious telling you to go commando?

My dream last night involved a bunch of people who used to go to my high school, and me, flying in a small plane to somewhere. And one of them gave me a gift that related to something I had back then. I have no idea if I did have that, but in my dream I sure did :D

Mary Witzl said...

I am constantly trying to figure out what my dreams mean. Mainly, I focus on how the dream made me feel. Guilty? Unprepared? Nervous about something I was about to do? When I really think a dream through, I can usually find a message. Even if I can't, the more you try to understand a dream, the more likely you are to remember the next one. And dreams are so entertaining. Your underwear dream would have had me tackling the laundry -- that's for sure.

I LOVE Sayre's dream! I'm so envious of her for having a dream like that!

Restaurant Gal said...

Don't you just hate it when the utterly boring yet very necessary parts of real life burrow their way into our dreams?

Tom said...

Just imagine the celebrities in their underwear and you'll do fine.

Kim Ayres said...

Anna - doesn't the laundry always need done? When did you ever see the bottom ofthe laundry basket?

Sandy - It's a while since I had a no-undies dream... oh, hang on, I had one a couple of weeks ago.

Amy - I think I trust at the back of the kitchen cupboard...

Carole - I hardly think being known by about 40 people out of 2 billion in the blogosphere counts as being a minor celebrity. And I've never managed to push away a 2nd helping of Maggie's bramble crumble. However, that aside, I think you might have found yourself a new occupation :)

Amy - :)

Savannah - it probably says you're not continually waking up in the middle of the night...

Sayre - the pen is mightier than the bomb, clearly...

FLG - I'm afraid you never grow out of high-school dreams. Even 25 years after leaving school I still occasionally get dreams where I'm back in class with no idea what homework I was supposed to hand in

Mary - I don't think I've ever found any significance in any dream I've ever had. It's always a random hotch-potch of things I've thought or experienced over the past few days, shoved together in bizarre ways

Restaurant Gal - :)

Tom - I didn't say they were attractive celebrities...

Archivalist said...

Congratulations, Kim! You've just written a TV pilot for next season!

ArleneWKW said...

I remember a number of dreams from each night and have discovered that most of them fall into 10 to 15 different themes. One such theme is the looking for a bathroom theme. It has a number of variations all of which result in the unavailability of a usable bathroom. I have discovered that the deep deep meaning of these dream is that they occur . . . when I need to pee, an excellent signal to wake up from my dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Oi, gerroff! That's my dream! That's where I touch the infinite!

Nah, kidding. But not being able to find a clean loo. I have that one a lot. That's kind of clean underwear related. Sorta.

Pat said...

I would say an anxiety dream and it's nice to know you are fastidious - silk ties AND clean underwear.
My recurring one is on stage - all lines gone out of the window and I am wearing a vest only, which has shrunk to my umbelicus.
Oh dear - I've just had a phone call to tell me I have missed a 10.30am appointment. Maybe i should have more anxiety dreams.

Kim Ayres said...

Archivalist - you secure funding from the TV stations and I'll start work on the first series...

Arlene - it's so much better when you wake up first...

Sam - a clean loo must defintely be a female variation on the theme. Mine generally revolve around the idea of finding anywhere I can use as a loo (how about that wardrobe, or the waste paper basket...?)

Pat - definitely had the on stage without my lines. A variation is playing my mandolin but I don't know the music we're supposed to be doing.

Anonymous said...

My most anxious recurring dream is one of searching for something that is just around the next corner or beyond the horizon. Upon reaching the intended spot, I find the missing item is still a bit further. I never ever reach the goal, and am left with an anxious urgency to get someplace entirely out of my reach. This very unpleasant dream often ties to something unresolved in my real life. Whenever I take care of the real issue, the dreams go away.

Oh, I've also had that 'searching for a bathroom' dream. And yes, it is always because I need to pee! Some things are universal!

A friend once told me that sometimes a dream is about the world as you see it, sometimes every character is some aspect of yourself, and sometimes a dream is just a dream. Food for thought!

savannah said...

so, of course, sugar...i woke up twice in the damndarkmorning! you'll love this, i remembered my dream just a bit ago...i was awake, in the dream, thinking about dreaming and why i don't anymore! how convoluted is that? xox

The Birdwatcher said...

You're lucky you can dream, I lie awake dreaming of being able to dream.

Jupiter's Girl said...

I mostly don't remember dreams, but sometimes I do. I've had recurring dreaming or floating dreams where I was conscious of the sensations in my head and body that controlled it.

And then there's the one where I'm waiting in a wing, about to go onstage and I don't know what I am going to say to the packed audience. I'm nervous about it, but I am sure the words will come when I open my mouth.

And why I still have this one, I don't know, but I'm on the way to my wedding and I am late, on foot, and wearing tennis shoes - too late to change or get proper ones, but nobody will see them under my dress.

I've seen minor celebrities too. I've kissed Kelsey Grammar in my dream.

It was fun reading these comments.

Dr Maroon said...

no underwear? Go commando!

Kanani said...

Oh, dear.
I suppose we could get deep.
On the other hand, it could mean that the next time you're at the laundromat, you'll see a minor celebrity as you're pulling out your underwear with hearts from the dryer!

Kim Ayres said...

Anonymous - thank you for taking the time to comment. Could I ask you to use a name next time so I can distinguish you from other anonymous commenters? Thanks :)

Savannah - are you sure you're not just dreaming about writing that comment?

Birdwatcher - insomnia's a right bastard isn't it

Jupiter's Girl - tennis shoes and wedding dresses- I have to admit these are not dreams I've had before...

Dr Maroon - with midge season about to start, you must be kidding

Kanani - underwear with hearts? I'm afraid you have me pegged as more exotic than I am

Attila the Mom said...

I used to have panicky dreams about showing up for school in nothing but my underwear. I still have them from time-to-time, but no longer panic.

Simply because---thanks to the internet---I often go to school wearing nothing but my underwear. ;-)


Kim Ayres said...

I've heard of people like you...


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