Rogan's 12th Birthday
Nowhere is this more obvious than when it comes to the kids’ birthdays. Every year they get custom made, personalised cards where I spend half a day finding images and manipulating photographs in order to paste their faces into some film or TV show they enjoy.
If you scroll to the bottom of the post of Meg is 9, for example, you will see her expertly inserted into the Ice Age 2 poster. And last year, my blending of Rogan into Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine character from the X-Men (see They Grow Up So Fast) had a couple of people wondering how an 11 year old could grow such a healthy set of sideburns.
This year I’ve been able to capitalise on Rogan’s refusal to get a hair cut for the past 9 months by splicing his head almost seamlessly on to Orlando Bloom’s body from a Pirates of the Caribbean scene.
It was a bit of a shock to see Rogan looking so grown up, and I can imagine him breaking a few hearts when he gets old enough to be interested in such matters.
Mind you, I wouldn’t be too surprised at some point to hear, “Why can’t you just buy us birthday cards like normal parents?”

Rogan of the Caribbean
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