Anonymous said...
(( no sh*t))..hahaha poor you ..got your heart motoring a little eh...
so I have to enquire since you opened the door...did that scare "IT" out of you or did you end up "prairie doggin it"??????
Thanks for the extrememly funny visual this morning. -
1:49 pm, September 17, 2006
- Dr Maroon said...
I agree with Quinn.
You have put a picture in our heads that might not be easy to shift. -
8:36 pm, September 17, 2006
- Kim Ayres said...
Quinn - I think that'd be going into just a bit too much detail.
Dr Maroon - I thought my picture was fine. It's Quinn who's created a more vivid image -
8:07 am, September 18, 2006
- Dr Maroon said...
No, It's still there I'm afraid.
Hairy legs, panicked face as alarm goes off, the indecision. Do I? Don’t I? Daily Mirror cast aside…
On a brighter topic, Sarah did me a cracking button for the mixed media site. It’s up and running. I’m very pleased with myself. -
9:36 am, September 18, 2006
Anonymous said...
I am sorry
1:46 pm, September 18, 2006
- Andraste said...
Jokes aside, I have morbid fears of being on the hopper when the nuclear holocaust hits or some jet airliner crashes into my house. Yes, this is the kind of thing that goes through my head when I'm...ahem...vulnerable.
2:43 pm, September 18, 2006
- Kim Ayres said...
Dr Maroon - It is a cracking button - thanks for your support. When I told Maggie that Dr Maroon was linking to her site she let out a girlie squeal that I found quite surprising for a woman of her age.
Quinn - apologies not necessary. But I've made a note in my little black book about you...
Andraste - I think everyone who heard of Elvis being discovered dead on the toilet, after stifling an inappropriate laugh, was implanted with the nagging fear of what if that happens to me... -
3:08 pm, September 18, 2006
Anonymous said...
It's not the first time I have been added to someone's little black book * evil grin* ...............
7:33 pm, September 18, 2006
- Pendullum said...
Nothing like it... My favourite is when I am in the shower...
But the toilet works just as well for getting my husband's heart a pounding... -
5:34 pm, September 19, 2006
- Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...
Well that's a delightful prelunch image, I must say. I'm so very glad I stopped by.
Your philosophy class starts this week, doesn't it? -
7:51 pm, September 19, 2006
- Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...
Hope you're feeling a bit brighter these days, Kim. :)
Off to check out Doccie's button. -
7:53 pm, September 19, 2006
- Kim Ayres said...
Yes, it starts on Thursday - same day as my wedding anniversary. Fortunately my wife's being understanding as we're going to celebrate on Friday instead.
7:55 pm, September 19, 2006
- SafeTinspector said...
Heee heee!
See, my house is filled with smoke so often that I've become innured to the sound of raging fire alarms.
RAGING fire alarms. -
3:47 am, September 20, 2006
Anonymous said...
How you describe he situation in details really can't stop me from laughing.
Is it true? I hope you were just making it up to cheer up your blog's audience.
:D -
8:08 am, September 20, 2006
- Kim Ayres said...
SafeTinspector - time to get a new toaster
TNTLOL - welcome to my ramblings. I'm afraid this life lesson came from direct experience -
11:52 am, September 20, 2006
- Freakazojd said...
Hahaha! Yeah, really...that's probably the LAST place you want to be when - God forbid - any kind of emergency hits.
8:42 am, September 21, 2006
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