We were in the supermarket yesterday when we saw a mother with 2 kids – one was about 18 months old and sitting in the trolley, while the ot...Read More
Dave and Beb are moving to Spain. On Monday I helped my Dave move a car load of stuff from his flat in Glasgow to his Mum’s shed not far fro...Read More
I was feeling a little nervous; class was about to begin; I looked up from my notes - a new person had materialised at the end of the table ...Read More
I watched a fascinating programme last night by Stephen Fry about BiPolar Disorder, or Manic Depression as it used to be known. Somehow I f...Read More
And there it is again. The hurt. It is a pressure in the chest, a gaping void in the stomach, a lump about to form at the back of the throat...Read More
My wife, Maggie, hasn’t often been mentioned on this site much beyond her extraordinary cooking skills and infinite patience. This is primar...Read More
5.34pm: I speed-stride through Glasgow Central Station – I refuse to attempt to run as it is so long since I last tried, my body has forgot...Read More
Last night we sat and watched “ March of the Penguins ” on DVD. Apart from some over-anthropomorphising it was quite spectacular, but it did...Read More