Laptop in the garden
For some time now, in fact ever since I set it up at the end of last summer, I've wondered whether the WiFi broadband connection would stretch out as far as the garden, allowing me to take the laptop out the back and read/type/blog on the lawn with the sun on my back and the birds singing in my ears. However, I've never gotten round to finding out, until today, that is.
Lo and behold it does. I was able to get a good clear signal pretty much all the way up to the back of the garden. Although I only discovered this by taking off my shirt and throwing it over my head and the laptop.
If I sit with the sun at my back then I cannot see the screen because of the glare. However, if I sit facing the sun, then all I can see in the screen is my reflection. And if I sit under the tree in the shade, even if I didn't have the worry about bird poo falling from above, it's still to damn bright for me to see anything.
Pah! All this fantastic weather and I still have to blog indoors.
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