- Jonathan Chant said...
And to you and your family.
Best wishes,
Jonathan. -
2:08 pm, January 01, 2015
- Kim Ayres said...
Thanks Jonathan :)
3:07 pm, January 01, 2015
- Ponita in Real Life said...
And a Very Happy New Year to you and yours from the centre of frozen Canada, Kim. :-)
4:12 pm, January 01, 2015
- Kim Ayres said...
Thanks Ponita :)
I spent a year in Nova Scotia and the winter was far colder there than anything I'd ever experienced in the UK. But even in NS they shuddered at the idea of the winters in Central Canada... -
8:33 pm, January 01, 2015
- Ponita in Real Life said...
Yeah, Nova Scotia is nowhere near as cold as Manitoba!! We're a hardy bunch out here. Either that, or just idiots. ;-)
12:11 am, January 02, 2015
- hope said...
Much happiness to you and yours. Can't wait to see what you find in your camera lens this year.
5:31 pm, January 02, 2015
- neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...
Happy, wonderful, peaceful, successful new year filled with love and success, Kim.
I like the way you've used your photos of last year to make the 2015...is it collage or montage? -
7:28 pm, January 03, 2015
- Eryl said...
A very merry new year to you, Maggie, Rogan and Meg.
10:31 pm, January 03, 2015
- Kim Ayres said...
Hope - thank you - I have a few good ideas lined up - hopefully they will come to fruition, at which point they will make it to the pages of this blog :)
Guyana-Gyal - thank you :)
It's using layers in Photoshop. Basically, think of it as 4 photos sitting side by side, with a white layer on top, which has 2015 cut out of it to reveal the images below :)
Eryl - many thanks - and the same to you and Dave :) -
7:48 pm, January 07, 2015
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