Bramble Hunting
Brambles (or blackberries as they are known South of the border and in other parts of the world) are ruthlessly hunted down, picked, thrown into plastic tubs and brought triumphantly home for the matriarch to inspect. If she approves some will be turned into Bramble Crumble while the remainder will be frozen, ready for transformation into Bramble Ice Cream at Christmas.

One of the finest fruits in existence
Last year, due to a combination of weather and bad timing, the harvest was poor. We struggled to fill a small tub, and what we did gather didn't have the rich taste we so enjoy and required lots of added sugar to try and make up for it.
However this year my daughter, Meg, and I managed a bumper crop. We headed out with 2 litre, 1 litre and ½ litre tubs and managed to fill all of them, which amounts to about 4 pounds of brambles. Later in the day I managed another ½ pound from the briars in one corner of the garden.

Stained fingers
I am salivating in anticipation...
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