The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Meg turns 14

Our little Valentine’s baby turned 14 today, slightly wary at leaving the comfort of 13 behind, but a bit excited too. And wondering when we’re going to let her have her own Facebook account…

In the 2nd half of the morning, as Maggie was busy creating a heart-shaped, gluten-free chocolate birthday cake, Meg, Rogan and I went for a walk down at Rascarrel Bay.

After drinking the hot chocolate Maggie had made up in a flask for us, I thought I’d take a photo of the 2 of them.

The fact that it was easy – no fuss, no complaints, no pulling faces at each other (or me) – was not because they are used to me carrying a camera. Quite simply it’s because they get on well together. Meg adores her big brother and Rogan is incredibly patient with his little sister – far more than I ever was with mine.

When I think how much I used to fight with my brother and sister when we were kids, it astounds me how little trouble we have with the two of them.

Some days, and this is one of them, I can’t help but feel a very proud Dad.


erika said...

Happy birthday to gorgeous Meg! Hope you guys had a wonderful day. Love the picture!

hope said...

Happy Birthday always make me smile. :)

And I always wanted a big brother.

Good job Dad...and I don't just mean the photo. :)

mapstew said...

It does not seem a year since she became a teenager!

Breithlá shona Dhuit Meg! :¬)

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hi pretty girl, Meg. How are you? A very happy birthday to you.

You're so lucky you have such a wonderful big brother. Most big brothers are bossy. I have TWO!

I bet you're a cool sister too.

I hope you get your Facebook page soon :-)

Nan said...

Happy Birthday Meg! Love the picture. When my daughter Jess turned 10, she was scared to go to sleep because she thought she would wake up a brand new person the next day and was not too sure about that. If you could go to bed 9 and wake up 10, what was to stop you from waking up a completely different person?

angryparsnip said...

awwwwww, Great photo and

Happy Birthday to Meg.

Let there be cake !

cheers, parsnip

savannah said...

happy birthday, meg! a day late, but still a message full of happiness for you. xoxoxox

Eryl said...

Very happy (belated) birthday, Meg.

I expect Meg and Rogan's relationship is a direct result of being the kids of you and Maggie and the safe, secure home you have created.

Great photo.

nmj said...

Happy Birthday to Meg, sounds like you all had a great day!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful..great photograph!

Anonymous said...

proud Dad...compatible children, it's a marvelous blessing! Have a happy 14th year Meg, enjoy!

PR said...

Hello fellow Scottish blogger. Have just discovered you and loving what I read :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kym,

Happy, belated, birthday to Meg. Good to read of siblings getting on so well. Wish I could say the same for my three though they have their moments. Its a good feeling being a proud dad.

Just wanted to also say thanks for your reply in the last post which made a lot of sense to me, a lot of sense. Much appreciated.

All the best


Pat said...

So you should be. They are both a credit to you and Maggie.

Kim Ayres said...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes - Meg says she had a wonderful day and it was her best birthday ever - although I think she's forgotten going to see the Strictly Come Dancing Live Show a couple of years ago...

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