I need your assistance
This past week has been rather busy and intense.
For quite some time I've been unhappy with my portrait photography website.
The scrolling album system I was using didn't seem to work in some browsers; the galleries felt a bit cluttered and random; the selection of images didn't really reflect the direction my photography has moved in; and despite the fact I thought a black background looked kind of cool, there's no doubt it was harder to read.
I knew I had to change it, but it wasn't that straight forward.
I needed to think about how it should look, how I should organise the content, whether I should expand or streamline, and find a new way of displaying the images that was likely to work in more browsers.
And I had to do this while still suffering from an endless virusy-flu type thing most of the family has had for several weeks.
One side effect of all this is I've been rather lax in my blogging life and am way behind on keeping this site up to date and catching up with my favourite reads.
However, finally, it is now up. But I could do with a little bit of feedback from anyone who can spare a few minutes.
If you can, please visit: http://kimayres.co.uk/
While you all know I'm a sucker for flattery, that's not really my concern this time. The simple fact is, the website is the face, the shop window of my business. Potential customers could make the decision whether to call me or not depending on whether it sends the right messages.
What I really need to know is what you think works, and what doesn't. If you were a potential client, would it be easy to find what you needed to know? Does the look inspire condfidence or put you off? Do the links all work? Are there any glaring spelling or other text errors?
Thoughts, comments and feedback are extremely welcome. And if you'd rather not say anything in public, do please email me - my address is on my blogger profile, or the website.
Many thanks.
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