Blogger Reflection Awards
One was from Binty McShae. For his I was supposed to list 8 true things about me plus one lie. However, having already done not only a 7 things about me post, a 6 weird things about me post, but also an epic 101 things about me, I don’t think I have 8 things left to list that are worth mentioning. So, with apologies to Binty, I will pass on that one. If you really want to know 8 things, but can’t be bothered reading the other meme posts, then just go to the 101 things and read entries 6, 12, 28, 57, 65, 78, 89, and 99
The other meme was the Blogger Reflection Award from Jeff over at Big Dawg Tales. According to the blurb, “This award should make an individual reflect upon five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and who have provided a Godly example. In other words, five dear bloggers whom, when you reflect upon them, you are filled with a sense of pride and joy...of knowing them and being blessed by them.”
I struggled for a while with the overt slushy sentimentalism, while laughing hard at the idea that anyone would consider me a “Godly example” given my views on religion. However, there’s a deeper warmth behind the idea that made me feel it was worth acknowledging and participating in, so thank you Jeff.
A couple of months back I took part in the “Thinking Blogger Awards” and duly pointed anyone who was interested towards 5 bloggers who were must-reads from my side bar. Of course there’s always a problem of limiting it to 5, so I’m quite happy to now point you to 5 more bloggers who have impacted on me in a good way.
I would have mentioned BStrong from Down Syndrome Life, but he’s already been tagged. Besides, he gets a mention in a post I’m planning for a couple of week’s time.
So, for a real smorgasbord of style and content, my Blogger Reflection Awards go to:
Pat’s Past Imperfect
When I rearranged my sidebar listings, I had to create a new category for Pat – Hot Chocolate & Cream. Quite simply she is an exquisite indulgence. Just go back to the start and begin working your way forward through. But don’t rush. Take the time to savour each entry.
Hangar Queen
Devin is the kind of person you enjoy as a best mate. Thoughtful, caring, great sense of humour and prepared to go out and grab life by the balls, so to speak. Everyone has life challenges, well at least everyone whose blog I read does, and while there are common themes to many of them Devin is in a class all of her own. The practical problems facing a male to female transsexual are enough to make the mind boggle, long before you get to the emotional ones. (Now you know, go back and read her comment in my last post and you get a whole new perspective).
The Kitchen Bitch Ponders
A student of Philosophy, a fan of Nietzsche and an active protester against the threatened closure of our local university, I met Eryl on a story-tellers workshop back before xmas. She is relatively new to blogging but she’s a great thinker and a great read.
Hooters and Other Tales of Woe
Like nails being scratched down a blackboard, but in a good way. There’s a manic energy in ADW’s writing that makes you realise you’re alive. Strangely addictive
Sam, Problem Child Bride
Half the time I haven’t a clue what Sam’s writing about, but I love her to bits anyway. There’s a mind behind that writing that can twist visions of reality so far round it’s easy to forget normality exists. Her comments on my, and other posts, however, reveal an incredibly deep, caring and sensitive soul, with a combination of such strength and vulnerability you could weep.
All have at some time or another halted me in my tracks and caused me to stop reading, sit back, and reflect deeply on something they’ve said.
Go read and enjoy.
For the 5 awarded:
1. Copy this bit of the post.
2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they’ve been given the award.
5. Place the award icon on your site

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