The blog of photographer Kim Ayres

Postcard From Skye

Hi Mark and Val,

We're having a lovely time on The Isle of Skye.

On the front of the card you'll see a photo of a "piper", which is a particular pest on Skye and other Highland & Island locations. I don't know if you had many problems with them during your stay on Lewis.

I think the locals have developed a sort of immunity as they do seem particularly attracted to holidaymakers and are found more frequently at tourist destinations.

We've tried lavender oil and smearing ourselves with lard, but it seems creams and sprays make no difference.

I heard the father of one bleary-eyed family complaining in the Tourist Information Centre about lack of sleep caused by them, but he didn't get much sympathy. It seems it's just accepted as a natural hazard of holidaying in Scotland during the Summer months, New Year and late January.

If you find any solutions on Google, please text me ASAP!

Wishing you all the best,

Kim, Maggie, Rogan & Meg x


Kim Ayres said...

This is the postcard I sent to my friend Mark (the guy on the front of Prole magazine, Issue 5, I blogged about a few posts ago), while we were holidaying on the Isle of Skye this week. After writing it, I thought it seemed ideal blog post fodder...

Eryl said...

Perfect blog fodder. And if Mark can suggest a solution to the piper problem please share, they wake me up every bloody weekend morning at the moment.

Oh, and über congratulations on you artist in residence post at Wigtown. If I manage to get there, and you stop me in the street and ask me what I'm reading I'll endeavour to surprise you. Perhaps I'll start reading car maintenance manuals or something.

Pat said...

I lost one white shoe in Skye and the police were no help at all. I blame all the wild life. I was in and out of the car spotting eagles, deer, otters and seals like a yo yo. Do keep your eyes peeled please.

Kim Ayres said...

Eryl - if you make it along, please do seek me out. And I followed up that conversation on Facebook so it looks like I'll probably be exchanging photos for food with ReadingLasses, so thank you for that :)

Pat - I'm shocked the police were no help with your shoe. I wish I'd known before I went as I would definitely have kept a look out. Perhaps it ended up on one of the many scarecrows we saw round where we were staying which were part of the Tatie Bogal Festival -

hope said...

I'm officially jealous: for reasons unknown I've always wanted to travel to the Isle of Skye.

Now I know when Bagpiper season is..thanks. :)

Kim Ayres said...

Hope - just need to find out when piper hunting season is...

Falak said...

Loved this post! I didn't realsie that pipers culd be such a pain :)

Kim Ayres said...

Falak - There are huge infestations of them in Edinburgh - I'm surprised you weren't affected when you were there. Perhaps you have some kind of natural immunity...

Eryl said...

Excellent, I love a bit of bartering.

Will certainly seek you out if I get there.

mapstew said...

I am a Champion Bagpiper!

Falak said...

I meant 'realise' in the earlier comment. Yes, there are lots of them in Edinburgh but I guess I went there with some kind of protection exclusive to tourists. Also, they weren't anywhere close to the University accommodations so we had no problems with going off to sleep.

David Mark Williams - Poet said...

Yes, sadly, we did have some bother with said pests on Lewis. It was on our second night and we'd got lulled into a false sense of security after falling asleep the night of our arrival like babes in a cot to the sound of the sea. Not only was there a piper out in the street just below our window but also hordes of Highland Dancers! Man, it was horrible. Sorry, Eryl, but as far as I'm aware the only solution is to emigrate, but even then....

Pat said...

I enjoyed the scarecrows but didn't spot the shoe alas.

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful. Although I've heard of the Isle I didn't know very much about it. My daughter and I experienced the same wildlife half a world away on our walks here.

snoble24 said...

hmm iv heard of the isle but didnt know they have pipers that bother people with there noise. your blog was funny though

The Birdwatcher said...

Had the same problem with Morris Dancers in Bellingham. They followed us from pub to pub. Funnily after 12 pints I didn't mind them anymore.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Thanks for the warning, I have the most wonderful earplugs made by an audiologist to prevent water from going into my ears when I was trying to learn to swim...if water gets into my ears, big trouble! When I wear those plugs, I can't hear a thing. If I go to Skye...

Unknown said...

I love pipers. Please send them all to St. Louis straight-away and I will take care of the "pests."

Kim Ayres said...

Eryl - look forward to seeing you :)

Mapstew - post a video - I want proof!

Falak - I'm impressed at your natural immunity. Perhaps you have a genetic abnormality that needs to be investigated to create an innoculation for the rest of the world... ;)

Mark - you can't emigrate to Canada - they're infested there too!

Pat - shame :(

Allen - in these days of international travel and the global village, they can spread faster than Avian Flu...

Snoble24 - glad you enjoyed it :)

Birdwatcher - after 12 pints I would have become one...

Guyana_Gyal - they sound ideal. In fact, you could probably set up an international import business, shipping them over to this part of the world!

Carole - unfortunately I can't afford the postage and packing, but feel free to come over and collect as many as you like!

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

I've been to the Isle of Skye. They still have some of my very distant relatives living in MacLeod castle in Dunvegan. Scotland is an unbelievably beautiful place and I am jealous of you for living there.

Kim Ayres said...

Time to travel :)

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