Rain didn’t completely stop play
The Galloway Children’s Fayre in Kirkcudbright* yesterday was not unexpectedly wet. The occasional light drizzle progressed to light drizzle interspersed with heavy drizzle, then heavy downpours, then torrential downpours.
However, by the time rain completely stopped play, Rogan had sold all his slices of cake, all but 2 of his scones, all but one piece of tablet, all but one square of chocolate & peanut butter, and about ¾ of his cookies.
The gazebo kept the rain off Rogan and his customers, as did a hastily improvised wall on the windward side, made from a spare plastic tablecloth.
By the time I took this photo, he’d already sold half his wares

Meanwhile, in a dry moment, Meg found a tall man to show her how to twirl ribbons. Also note the superbly built gazebo in the background – we were the envy of the drenched and gazeboless couple set up next to us, attempting to sell bubble blowing gadgets.

*Situated at the camel-toe of Scotland – check maps for visual evidence - find Kirkcudbright, then keep zooming out until you notice
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